Cyberbullying Blog Page

You have been hired by a design company to create a blog page aimed at a younger audience (Year 3/4) to teach a message about cyberbullying.

Over the past week, we have been learning about the impact of cyberbullying and the impact people can play in the process.

Your blog page needs to be multimodal and must include the following:

  1. An animation/cartoon – This could be made online or you could choose to draw something, scan, and upload.
  2. A digital or physical poster.
  3. A short creative piece of writing.
  4. A ‘colour symbol image’ that represents cyberbullying. 


Do not forget the key points that we have been learning about over the last week:

  • Why cyberbullying is more common nowadays. 
  • What a bystander is.
  • What an upstander is.
  • What you can do if you experience cyberbullying. 
  • What you need to be aware of when communicating and sharing online.


This is an open-ended task and you can show your understanding however you like. The ‘Key points’ in blue are what you need to show an understanding of. The list of things to include in red is how you can show your understanding of those points. You are welcome to include more than what is on the list as well.


Blog Challenge – School

In 2022, school life looks very different around the world. This task involves you telling your readers a bit about your school or experience with remote learning. You could include text, images, a slideshow, a video, or even an audio recording.

📌 Remember, it’s important to think carefully about what information we publish online.

Your post might include details like:

  • How do you get to school?
  • What is your timetable like? Do you have set subjects at certain times?
  • Do you have one teacher or many?
  • What time do you begin and end school?
  • Do you get to choose what you learn?
  • What technology do you have at school?
  • What is the history of your school?
  • What activities are popular during break times?
  • How would you describe your school grounds?

💡 Here are some examples from former Student Blogging Challenge participants:

  • Kalani wrote a great description of her school day.
  • Joel made a Google Slides presentation comparing the normal and “lockdown” school day.
  • Farrah asked her parents about how school has changed.
  • Van Anh explained how to play a traditional Vietnamese game (it includes an awesome image created in PowerPoint).
  • Ben wrote a post about break times at his school.

You can present your thinking however you like – but we want you to share information about school life in a creative way!

Create Your Avatar!

You are going to create your own Avatar using suggestions from the blue link below.

Remember this is Reading Comprehension! Take the time to read the instructions step by step

Link- Avatar instructions 

  1. Click on the link and open it in a new tab, next select ‘Creating your avatar’  and follow the instructions to create an avatar using ‘Doppelme’.
  2. Take a screenshot of your avatar.
  3. Follow the instructions to upload your user avatar which will appear every time you leave comments and next to your posts.
  4. You may also like to read the Avatar Tips which may help you to solve any problems you come across.
  5. Once you have successfully uploaded your avatar create a new post and tell us about your avatar as well as any challenges you may have had when creating it.
  6. Insert the screenshot of your avatar into your post.

Writing Challenge – Using Connectives

Your task is to produce a piece of writing using either of the two pictures below as a prompt.

You can write about anything you like – but please note:

Your writing MUST include:

  •  3 causal connectives and 3 temporal connectives – Use the list glued into your literacy book.
  • Please highlight your casual connectives in red and your temporal connectives in blue.
  • Be no more than 200 words.

Once you think you have completed your writing please:

Proofread and edit your writing carefully. Be sure all words are spelled correctly and you have included your 6 connectives.

You will then copy your blog link and post it in response to the Seesaw task ‘Writing Challenge – Using Connectives’

Photo by Jae Park on Unsplash


Have fun!

Commenting Guidelines

This is an activity to help you think about the quality of your comments as well as what makes a quality comment.

  1. Follow each step below. Remember this is also an activity that requires you to use your reading comprehension skills.
  2. Read the Commenting Guidelines under the red heading below.
  3. Now watch a video by clicking on the green link below the commenting guidelines, made by Year 5 students.
  4. Next, click on the link directly below in blue, to see a range of comments left on an imaginary blog.
    thumbs up or thumbs down sorting activity
  5. Create a new post and rate these comments from the above link in order from the least helpful to the most helpful.
    Which is the most helpful and why?
    Which is the least helpful and why?

Commenting Guidelines

Commenting is what brings a blog to life. Comments are also a significant reason why people write blogs – they want to get people thinking and communicating.
Your comments should aim to help to keep the learning going, to keep the conversation going.

Here are some important guidelines to follow when you are making comments.

  • Make your comment worth reading.
  • Start a conversation.
  • Be positive, interested, and encouraging.
  • If you disagree, be polite about it.
  • Connect with the post: be on topic.
  • Re-read your comment before you hit submit–think before you send!
  • Aim for correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar.
  • Don’t use chat or texting language like lol, i, or u.
  • No “Hi! Visit my blog! Bye!” comments. Be thoughtful.
  • Keep your privacy: no personal or identifying information about you, your family, or your friends. Don’t give out last names,  phone numbers, user names, or places and dates that make you identifiable.

Together we will practice commenting and create our own set of guidelines to help us write really appropriate and effective comments.

Watch this excellent Comments video shared by Andrea Hernandez made by a 5th Grade student.

Welcome to the Year 6 Blog!

Hi Girls,

Welcome to our blog!

The theme for your blog currently is called ‘Edublogs Default’ (if it isn’t, your teacher will help you change to this theme) you are not allowed to change to a theme of your choice at this stage.

Here are some housekeeping instructions which you must go through and complete at your own pace:

Make some changes to the appearance of your blog:

  1. Go to the dashboard
  2. Click on ‘Appearance’
  3. Click on Customise
  4. Click on ‘Site Identity’

You may only change the following:

  • Site Title
  • Tag line – this is where you can write an inspirational quote of your choice.
  • Make sure the box is ticked to display the site title and tag line.

Next, click on the arrow next to ‘customising site identity’ now you may change your header image* and colours.

*your header image must be one from Edublogs or a photo or drawing created or taken yourself.

Now it is time to create your first post.

This post is going to be an ‘About me’ post and will let your audience know a bit about you!

Can you work out how to add a photo to this post?

We would like you to get the photo from

Extra Challenge:

Can you work out how to reference your image?


Once you have finished all the steps above, please reply to this post saying that it is completed. 

Online Learning – Journal

In South Australia, we are incredibly lucky that covid restrictions haven’t impacted our lives as much as neighboring states.

Across Australia, schools have been forced to work remotely like we will be for longer periods of time.

During this, one successful activity that many schools and students have been doing is keeping a journal. The beauty of this is that it can be done in any way that you want. You could take photos, upload a video (that doesn’t feature your face) write about what you have done and so much more. We are going to aim to make a post daily throughout this experience, explaining to your audience what you have done and how you are staying positive.

Your task is to write (or draw, or film) your first journal entry as part of our journey through online school. You will need to tell your audience where you are from.  what you have been up to and what school looks like for you now you are at home. Further instructions will be given by Mr Jackson in your lesson on Thursday.

Schools around the world

The challenge this week is to create a post or activity relating to our school. Given that many students across the world (including our buddy class in Victoria) are experiencing school slightly differently due to COVID, I thought it would be good to share information about how our school days run or what type of lessons we do.

You could even create a quiz to determine what lessons your blog visitors enjoy the most.

Feel free to use one of the ideas below or think of your own.

Environmental Issue Blog Challenge

This week’s activity is simple. You’re going to choose an environmental issue you’re interested in and write a blog post that educates or informs your readers.

Remember, you can choose to express this in any way you like. You could make a short movie, or even include a quiz.

Here is a list of topics or you can choose your own:

Week 5 of the STUBC is about Earth Day and the environment