A short video about sharing private and personal information.

Before you begin the Student Blog Challenge next week, watch the video above and respond to this post, with a comment.

In your comment, write a statement about what you consider to be the most important message in this video.

52 thoughts on “A short video about sharing private and personal information.

  1. I think the most important message in this video, is that you can’t share your private information, like your birth date, full name or address, or you can be identified.

    • I think this video wants you to be safe online and hide your personal details such as last names, your address and your date of birth because anyone out there in the network can hack you. I’m safe online because when I’m signing up for anything that is not related to school I always put a fake date of birth and name.

    • I think the message this video wants to send through to people is that you shouldn’t share personal information because people can identify you from things you share online. It’s important to be safe online because you might not know who is going to see what you post, comment or anything like that.

  2. The most important message in that video is that you are not allowed to share private information (such as your D.O.B, Age and full name) to anyone online because you can never know who you are sending info to.

  3. The most Important message in this video is that you always need to THINK BEFORE YOU SHARE because people could pretend to be you and steal your true identity.

  4. Before you share something online you should think about whether or not it is appropriate and is it giving away any personal information about you.

    like your full name, Address or date of birth. Because this is all private information!

  5. I think that is important when he said the difference between personal and private i formation because they sound very similar and personal can mean private in some ways and I think that it is important that he explains this thoroughly.

  6. I think this video is mostly about being careful with what you share on social media and thinking twice before you share something personal with someone you don’t really know or don’t trust.


  7. Overall I think this video is trying to explain to us to think before you share and never share personal information such as your name, address and date of birth online because anyone can use this info to their advantage.

  8. I think this video was a message saying it is OK to share things like fav colour, food, sport etc. But you shouldn’t share your Phone number, Address, etc. If something online needs your personal information than you should think than ask a adult.


  9. I think it is very important that whenever we share something online we think before we post so that it is safe and what is private stays private. I also think that the person who was speaking in the video explained the message very clearly and I understood it fully.

  10. I think the most important message is think before you share and DON’T post private information like your address and birth date.

  11. I think that if you are sharing something online you should always think first and ask someone you trust. If you do share stuff online make sure it is not private information.

  12. I think that this video is about getting the message across to people that sharing your personal details online, on an app and also just in general is the wrong thing to do because you never know what people will do with your information.

    Georgia 6B

  13. I think the most important statement in this video is that the main things you shouldn’t share is your date of birth, your address and your full name. In my opinion this whole video was all one hundred percent accurate and I agreed with everything they said!

  14. I think that this video is trying to tell us that is very important to not share your very personal information online. For example, your full name, birthday and your address unless you have gotten permission from a trusted teacher or parent. I also think that it is very important to pause and think about what you are posting and why you are posting it.

  15. I think this video is mainly about being safe online and never share any of your personal information and think at least twice before you share anything personal with someone that you don’t really know or trust like putting name, address or even your date of birth.

  16. This video was telling everyone how you really need to consider everything that you share/post, because sometime you can share to much and that’s when you could be in trouble. Also, it’s trying to tell everyone the difference between personal and private information, because you don’t know who’s hands it’s going to be in. ‘THINK BEFORE YOU POST!’


  17. I think the most important thing that this video is teaching is it’s ok to post personal information about yourself online but it’s not ok to share things that are private like your address or your full name.


  18. I think this video is telling you to be safe online and think before you share your personal information like do you trust this person is this site safe.

  19. The most important message that this video was trying to send is that you should never share your private information ( full name, address and email ) to anyone on the internet. You should be really careful about what you send on social media.

  20. I think this video tells you why you should always think before you post anything online especially personal information because once you have posted it publicly, there is no going back, it is out in the world for everyone to see.

  21. I think this video is about whats right and whats wrong. Sharing personal can also mean secrets or something you uncomfortable about, it depends. Its very easy to express your feelings and tell your info, say if your feeling sad, you think about sharing whats happening. Think about it, is it gonna do anything for your fame? Your friends? Nope. It just another video/photo. The main message is, its ok sharing your hobbies online but not your private info.

    Thanks, Zara S

  22. You should NEVER put any personal information about yourself which includes, full name, address, and many other personal details, you do not know who is out there are might be reading what you put online about yourself, but you can put stuff out there like your favourite food, movie etc.


  23. I think that the most important message that the video is sending is to think carefully about what you send and who you sent it to because some people don’t need to know when you were born or your adress.

  24. I think this video is trying to teach people about the difference between personal and private information. He also said that you can share things like your favourite food or your pets to help connect with other people but things like your full name, address and your date of birth can help someone single you out.

  25. This video is basically saying be careful about what you put online. like you wouldn’t share your private information but you can share your personal information.

  26. I think this video thinks that we should not share our personal information because if you like put your full name in or your address people can immediatly see where you live. another reason why you shouldn’t share your personal information because people can hack you and go into your bank account and take all of your money but sharing your pets or favorite food or favorite movie is okay.

  27. I think the most important message in this video is about private information and that your birthday, house location and full name should not be public unless you get permission from trusted adults like your parents. These things are important to keep private because people can try and steal your details and pretend to be you, know you and spy on you.

  28. If you ever send a post you need to think about what you are posting. If you are posting about a fun memory, sport, food, or hobby is much safer than posting private things about your family and friends.


  29. I think it’s important you don’t share private information, you might say your first name or how old you are but not your full name and the D.O.B.


  30. I think that the most important thing in this video would be not to share private information online, only the information that you are comfortable sharing with other people online and offline. This video also tells us that it is important not to share private/ personal information because you don’t know who is reading your post.


  31. The most important message in this video is to not share your personal information. If you do you’ll just have to be certain it can be someone you can trust. But if you give personal information through the whole internet like your credit card number someone can use that and steal your money and you’ll be charged for it and no one likes paying for something that can’t afford.

  32. I think that the video means not to share any personal information because if you do one thing wrong on your laptop for example, share your password, it could make them 1 step closer to get into your laptop and if that does happen you need to tell a teacher. that is exactly why you should not tell anyone your password.

  33. I thought the main meaning of this video was you can share some details about you like your favourite ice cream flavour but you can’t share personal details as other people can identify who you are. so, think before you post!

  34. In the video, I think that the most important message is that if you share private information you can be discovered as a person because if someone disagrees with what the video says, there parents and friends that idea or being found as a person might stop them putting private info online.

  35. I think the most important message in this video is that think before you share ANYTHING online. Especially not your personal information.

  36. I think the most important point this video is trying to make is that people who like pizza can be friends, I’m kidding. I think, it is that you can only add private information if you have permission to add it from you or other people. Also is that CYBER SAFETY is very important because other people can see your private information. And if that happens you might be exposed to the internet.

  37. In this video, the most important message that stood out to me is that its ok to share what you like and your ideas but never your personal information.

  38. The most important statement is that you can’t share your private information online but you can share your personal stuff. Example when say personal stuff I mean like your favourite food what movies you love and something exciting you did in the weekends.

  39. I believe the most important information that this video told us was that not all of your personal information is good to share. It is fun and ok to share some of your information about yourself but sharing your date of birth, address and postcode are not ok to share.

  40. The most important message I got from this video was that your favourite things are ok to post on the media because people might like the same things as you but your full name, your address and your date of birth are private information that you should not share.


  41. I think the most important message in this video is to think before you share because you don’t know the people that you are sharing this info because if you share your personal details people might try to target you individually.

  42. The most important message for me I got from the video was that you should not share your personal info like your address, date of birth and your full name. It is okay to share what your favourite food is and your favourite movie is because it is not detailed information and it is not private things.


  43. I think the most important message in this video is that you should never share your personal information with others you don’t know. Especially your full name, your address and many more. You can talk about what you did over the week or something you love to do.

  44. I think the most important message in this video is that you shouldn’t share personal information online. Like your address, full name, and your birthdate because you don’t know who’s behind the screen, and the person behind the screen can use your info that you told that person, to find you.

  45. I think this video is trying to tell you not to post any thing one line that is private and always ask a adult before you post. just so that they can’t know all the private important details about you that you’d only tell people you trust.

  46. I think the most important message in this video is, that we should be cautious about what we post online. We shouldn’t post our date of birth, address, full name, and your age unless you get permission from a trusted adult.

  47. Sharing things with people on social media can be a lot of fun. It keeps great memories alive and it also teaches others new ideas but sometimes we need to think before we act. Sharing information with the wrong people can be dangerous. They could find out where you live and cause harm. Some things I think need to be kept safe are your full name, address and personal information. We can keep these details safe by not sharing them with anyone. That way we can make the internet a safe environment to use and fun for everyone.

  48. The most important thing about the video was that not to share you phone numbers, address, postcode and only post things like you favourite fruit or something not your personal details. Remember to read what you wrote before you post.

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