Commenting Guidelines

This is an activity to help you think about the quality of your comments as well as what makes a quality comment.

  1. Follow each step below. Remember this is also an activity that requires you to use your reading comprehension skills.
  2. Read the Commenting Guidelines under the red heading below.
  3. Now watch a video by clicking on the green link below the commenting guidelines, made by Year 5 students.
  4. Next, click on the link directly below in blue, to see a range of comments left on an imaginary blog.
    thumbs up or thumbs down sorting activity
  5. Create a new post and rate these comments from the above link in order from the least helpful to the most helpful.
    Which is the most helpful and WMYST?
    Which is the least helpful and WMYST?
  6. Next make a comment about what you have learnt in this activity on our class blog, in the post called,
    “We have been learning about making comments on other people’s blogs”.

Commenting Guidelines

Commenting is what brings a blog to life. Comments are also a significant reason why people write blogs – they want to get people thinking and communicating.
Your comments should aim help to keep the learning going, to keep the conversation going.

Here are some important guidelines to follow when you are making comments. Thanks to ‘Guidelines’ written by the 2009-2010 bloggers of Huzzah! 

  • Make your comment worth reading.
  • Start a conversation.
  • Be positive, interested, and encouraging.
  • If you disagree, be polite about it.
  • Connect with the post: be on topic.
  • Re-read your comment before you hit submit–think before you send!
  • Aim for correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar.
  • Don’t use chat or texting language like lol, i, or u.
  • No “Hi! Visit my blog! Bye!” comments. Be thoughtful.
  • Keep your privacy: no personal or identifying information about you, your family, or your friends. Don’t give out last names, school name, phone numbers, user names, or places and dates you can be found.

Together we will practise commenting and create our own set of guidelines to help us write really appropriate and effective comments.

Watch this excellent Comments video shared by Andrea Hernandez made by a 5th Grade student.

7 thoughts on “Commenting Guidelines

  1. I think that 1 is the least important because of the bad grammar, then number 6, because the topic is irrelevant, then number 4 because of partially wrong grammar and an irrelevant topic, then 7, because it is too short 8 is next, because it is ever so slightly irrelevant, then 3, because it still isn’t 100% relevant, then number 5, and finally number 2.

  2. Hi year 6’s! I’m Miki and something I have learnt about commenting guidelines is You always have to use grammar and punctuation and stick to the point because no one want’s to read a 7 hour reply.

  3. Dear Year 6 Teachers and Students,

    I think that using grammar, punctuation and positive feedback is important when writing a comment on someones post.
    From Stella

  4. Dear Year 6’s,
    I learnt how to write a comment properly.
    Writing a comment includes: correct grammar, no abbreviations and more.
    From Liliana.

  5. Dear year 6’s
    This lesson has been very enjoying and fun to do
    I have learnt how to right and professionally right a comment and i hope i can expand on that knowledge
    From Sophie

  6. Dear year 6’s

    This lesson I have leant how to write a comment properly, by that I mean not using slang words like
    u r instead of that say you are. I have really enjoyed this lesson and I think I have learnt a lot.
    From Annabel.

  7. Dear Year sixes,
    Something I learnt about commenting is that you should always have correct spelling, grammar and punctuation. Something else is that you should never spam.
    From Penny

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