37 thoughts on ““We have been learning about making comments on other people’s blogs”.

  1. I’ve learnt comments should be full of helpful information and they should be conversations but not texting conversations, interesting ones with relevant information. Also comments should contain at least 3 proper sentences.

    This information that I’ve learnt has really helped me understand what a comment on a blog needs.

  2. 1 being the most helpful
    8 being the least helpful
    I rate…
    Comment 1- 6
    Comment 2- 1
    Comment 3- 3
    Comment 4- 7
    Comment 5- 2
    Comment 6- 8
    Comment 7- 5
    Comment 8- 4
    Which is the most helpful and WMYST?
    Comment 2 was the most helpful because it seemed to have lot’s of questions which continue the conversations on the blog.

    Which is the least helpful and WMYST?
    Comment 6 was one on the least helpful because it was irrelevant to the blog and it didn’t have much helpful information to write and continue the conversation about.

    I’ve learnt comments should be full of helpful information and they should be conversations but not texting conversations, interesting ones with relevant information. Also comments should contain at least 3 proper sentences.

    This information that I’ve learnt has really helped me understand what a comment on a blog needs.

  3. These are my rating for the comments 1, 4, 6, 7, 8, 3, 5 and 2. Think that the second comment is most helpful because the person is asking questions about the post in a polite manner and they seem actually interested in the topic. Number one was probably the least helpful because they didn’t use very good language to talk to a teacher. I have also learnt that most good comments should have at least three lines of writing. If you don’t like something in the post then say it politely or not at all.

  4. I have learnt not to use thing like lol and that you should say who it’s from and putting the correct grammar and spelling and alway check your email or post carefully before sending it
    from Jess H

  5. I learnt to always check your grammar before you publish the comment, and also to check what post you’re writing the comment to. Always say who it’s from and a dear at the top.

    -Sarah b

  6. I have learned that you need to have good grammar and you don’t need to put your name because it shows it anyway if you do leave a comment make sure it’s useful and kind.

  7. I learnt that the comments you post should help the people who wrote the thing you’r commenting on. It should have three sentences full of information. Something I saw from the thumbs up or down is not to use slang.

  8. I have learnt not to use letters instead of proper words. I have also learnt that you should check your work before you post it.

    From Anastasia

  9. I have learnt not to use lol, not getting of topic, not to use slang language, not to use words like gr8, not to use abbreviations when they are not neccesary and how to write with ettiquite.

    Nawal Usmani

  10. I learnt that you should always start and end politely when you comment. I also learnt that to make a helpful comment you need to have critical and positive things so the person who reads the comment can work and build on it next time.

    • I have learnt that when you are commenting on things you have to use proper spelling and grammar, and I have learnt not to use abbreviations. You need to make sure that you put in lots of information that is relevant .

  11. I learnt that Commenting has to have lots of info and that you should always proofread before you comment and you don’t have to put your name on the end and because it is already there when you comment

  12. I learnt that when writing a comment, you should be respectful, positive, you should ask questions, have relevant topics and be engaging. You should have salutations and start a conversation. All of these should be included to write a useful, helpful and kind comment. I look forward to use these skills when commenting on other people’s blogs.

  13. I’ve learnt to not only compliment a post but to be specific about it. Not just saying “hi I think this is cool” but saying exactly what I appreciated in the post. I also learnt to always check my comment/post before I publish it. Like checking grammar, punctuation, and spelling.

  14. Commenting is very helpful because people can leave nice feedback and this feedback helps improving. I have found the feedback very useful because next time i do another post i can do it better!

  15. I’ve learnt that comments should be full of helpful feedback and they should be interesting with relevant information.

  16. I have learned to use correct punctuation, give suggestions, useful feedback and encouraging comments. I have also learned how to construct a comment in the right way.

  17. ~🌼I’ve learnt that comments should not be a waste of time and should be carefully re-read and have good puncuation! 🌼~

  18. I’ve learnt that if you comment on anyone else’s posts you should fill that comment with helpful things and not just say ”i liked your post” because that wont really help the person improve.

  19. I have learnt that you should always be specific in a comment and not use slang. You should always make sure that you have checked your spelling and grammar.

  20. I have learnt that comments should be filled with relevant and important information with correct spelling and punctuation. You should always re-read the post before posting it.

  21. I have learnt proper etiquette and and always being specific about what you want to say, you have to always proof-read and double check to see if your comment makes sense.

  22. I have learnt that you should make sure your comment has interesting things that they value about the blog that they have seen. I also have learnt that you need to put relevant things in there comment

  23. I have learnt that you shouldn’t use commenting as a way of texting so you have to stay on topic instead of talking about irrelevant situations such as “my adorable new puppy”.

  24. I learned that if we comment on something that you need to have correct spelling and punctuation also write the important things of the comments.

  25. I have learnt not to use 8 or lol or those types of things and how to write a useful comment and to not talk about anything irrelevant

  26. I’ve learnt comments should be constructive and useful feedback and comment and they could be interesting feedback and thoughts conversations but not texting conversations. Also comments should contain at least 3 proper sentences. I now know how to comment properly on a blog.

  27. Through feedback, I have learnt to always use proper grammar, punctuation and provide constructive and helpful feedback.
    You should start with a greeting and end with a salutation.
    When commenting be empathetic, kind, realistic and think of ways to help improve the learning of others.

  28. I learnt not to use text language and comments should have about 3 sentences. It is important that the comments are spelled correctly and that they are about the post.

  29. I have learnt not to go off topic with comments, and not to use unnecessary abbreviations like gr8 and lol and stuff like that. i have also learnt that you have to be on top of your spelling and grammar, otherwise it will get out of hand like it did in some of the comments.

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